It seems as if the pieces of the brewing puzzle is finally starting to fall into place….
Before getting into the detail, we need to mention one thing:
At the beginning of the year we instigated the start of a brewing competition called the Wolfgang Cup at the Southyeasters Home Brewing Club. It is named after Wolfgang Koedel the master brewer of the late Paulaner Brauhaus. His ample contributions to the smaller brewers in Cape Town deserves some recognition. The inaugural competion was held at the Southyeasters Summer Festival held at the SAB Newlands Brewery.
The idea is simple… Some guidelines regarding beer style and/or ingredients are set and brewers are challenged to brew accordingly and compete. This forces people out of their brewing comfort zones and expands the knowledge of brewing. Furthermore it serves as rapid prototyping. 10-15 guys brewing the same beers help provided a large sample for discussions and trouble shooting.
Well… We won the inaugural competition with one of our small batch brews!
The rules were simple. Only the following malts were allowed - Pale, Munich & Wheat. Perle hops plus one brewer’s choice hop were to be used and the brewer was free to choose any yeast strain.
(There was also a extract competition… Not too clued up on the rules for that, as we are not extract or kit brewers)
Apart from winning small competitions the pieces are starting to come together.
As of yesterday it is 99.99% confirmed that we have secured a brewery venue in an up-and-coming part of Cape Town. This is the catalyst we have been waiting for and kicks a lot of exciting new developments into motion…
For now the plan is to get the following sorted:
A myriad of adminsitrative details & issues need to be resolved or finalized.
Our pilot brew plant needs some tweaking as it will have to perform well during the interim and will be used for years to come for testing, small & special batches.
Final design, detailing and manufacture of our proper brew house can be put in a higher gear…
More planning and research need to go into raw materials, additional equipment and reliable sources for all of these need to be secured.
Above all, more recipe development can now be tackled in earnest… There are so many hop varieties and combinations we still need to experiment with!
So… In the meantime watch this space for updates…